1、一些 农业英语词汇,虽然不太对口,但希望有点帮助 absentee landlord 外居地主 agricultural products, farm products 农产品 agricultural, commodities market 农业市场 agronomist 农学家 animal husbandry, animal breeding 畜牧业 arable land, tilled land 耕地 arboriculture 树艺学 cattle farm 奶牛场。
2、Facilities horticultural crops cultivation, producer for and environmental management focus is based on crop characteristics and the crops on environmental requirements, making it possible to crop and environment between coordination and unity, balance, artificially created crop growth desired optim。
3、In recent years, the proportion of the horticulture crop in people#39s life is on the rise continuously, a lot of peasants depend on planting the horticulture crop and becoming a few persons getting better off earlier in the countryside, but most peasants still rely mainly on the fa。
4、园艺作物一般指以较小规模集约栽培的具有较高经济价值的作物主要分为果树蔬菜和观赏植物3大类 科技英语的专业术语翻译科技术语应能恰当地反映所指事物的概念内涵,反映某些学科领域特定事物的内容如医学专业术语haemoglobin血红蛋白另外,同一个词在普通英语和专业英语中意义迥然不同如taxi在航空中指飞机在。
5、Star of Guangdong sunshine garden the flowered often supplies the variety to include The bedding in earth big tree fragrant camphor tree, the banyan fig, the bischofia javanica, the duckweed husband#39s mother silver fragrance, the fruit of Chinese magnoliavine, the curtain umbrella。
6、Garden design is considered to be an art in most cultures, distinguished from gardening, which generally means garden maintenance In Japan, Samurai and Zen monks were often required to build decorative gardens or practice related skills like flower arrangement known as ikebana In 18th。
8、1Perfect landscape is designed by the French artist!社区景观完美,法国园林设计师的妙笔生辉2The Garden Kingdom of DessauWorlitz is an exceptional example of landscape design and planning of the Age of the Enlightenment, the 18th century德绍-沃尔利茨宫廷花园是18世纪欧洲启蒙运动。
10、hikari scissors理发用的剪子 hair cutting scissors理发用的剪子 professional hair cutting scissors专业理发剪 professional barber scissors专业剪胡子的剪刀这个我真是不知道怎么翻译manicure scissors指甲剪 westcott scissors维斯科特剪是一种眼科手术剪,头很小,是弯曲的garden scissors园艺剪。
11、二 园艺专业主要学习植物学植物生理学生物化学有机化学遗传学土壤学园艺植物育种学蔬菜栽培学果树栽培学花卉学园艺产品贮藏加工学园艺植物病理学昆虫学专业外语等课程园艺专业与绘画关联不大,学习园艺专业没有问题三 园艺专业考研考试科目初试为国家统考科目英语政治。
12、In English for each body of some foreign education college, professional and learning English is together, in our country is separated So we should advocate the teaching of course in each semester at least two courses use English textbooks or reference for students to read literature。
13、作物生产现状 在农业生产中,太阳能通过光合作用被固定在生物质中,其总反应式为 H2O+CO2=CH2O+O2。
14、在另一方面,当你考虑到10年之间的第一个报告以后成为转基因植物和第一个商用产品,FlavrSavr西红柿进步侧目从那时起许多转基因植物由于种植商业表8 1到目前为止,所有的主要农作物品种,他们中的许多人在园艺,已经成功地变成了建造早期的报告转化,各种新方法介绍到植物的基因被报道包括交付。
15、从字面上来看,园艺一词是“园”加“艺”的集合,“园”字在这里的意思是指种植蔬菜花木的地方,“艺”字则是指技能技术“艺”字作为动词时,本义是“种植”的意思园艺一词,原指在围篱保护的园囿内进行的植物栽培现代园艺虽早已打破了这种局限,但仍是比其他作物种植更为集约的栽培经营方式 英语中对。