1、Green thumb指的是某人在种花或种菜方面很有才能,或在这方面很有知识和技术所以句子可以译为他很擅长种花white lie 直译就是白色的谎言,也就是善意的谎言 He has told a little white lie 就是他对我撒了个善意的谎言。
2、have green fingers 网络释义1 have green fingers 园艺能手, 有高超的园艺技能, 好园丁 2 to have green fingers 有园艺技能的 例句与用法1 Look at Mr White#39s garden He must have green fingers看看怀特先生的花园他肯定非常精通园艺2 Green iguanas have long fingers and。
3、1拇指是thumb2食指是index finger,first finger或forefinger3中指是middle finger4无名是ring finger5小拇指是little finger例句1I can wrap that thumb over my other fingers and then secure the grip at the bottom with my pinkie我的拇指可以卷包在其他手指上,然后。
4、Green fingers是一个英语词组,意思是园艺能手区别于green hand,新手have green fingers,擅长园艺#160有园艺技能例句I never#160have#160green#160fingers我向来不擅长种花莳草。
5、black and blue 遍体鳞伤 green hand 新手 redhanded 正作案的 white lie 善意的谎言 black sheep 害群之马 black tidings 坏消息 red flag 危险讯号 white hair boy 宠儿,当红炸子鸡 blackletter day 不吉利的日子 blackmail 勒索行为 brown sugar 红糖 green thumb 有特殊园艺才能 purple。
6、n有特殊园艺才能index finger食指经常用于指东西,比如指着一样东西说,这是,那是,相当于指明序号index在英语中有个意思就是指南针的指针呢,所以英语就用index finger了,有时也可以用point finger后者就更加好理解 cheek1口傲慢态度,无礼,厚脸皮UHe had the cheek t。
7、在与外国朋友交谈时,听到他们提到quotgreen fingersquot,别以为这是指手指变绿这个表达其实有着截然不同的含义quotGreen fingersquot在英语中指的是某人具有出色的园艺技巧,他们的植物能茁壮成长,是一种赞美他们园艺才能的俚语比如,quotExperienced gardeners have green fingers, ensuring plants grow healthilyquot。
8、green thumb n有特殊园艺才能index finger食指经常用于指东西,比如指着一样东西说,这是,那是,相当于指明序号index在英语中有个意思就是指南针的指针呢,所以英语就用index finger了,有时也可以用point finger后者就更加好理解 cheek1口傲慢态度,无礼,厚脸皮UHe had the。
9、指某人有特殊的园艺才能,green fingers也有这种意思,指有搞园艺的才能 例句If you want to be a successful gardener, of course you have to have green fingers假如你想当个成功的园艺家,那你就得有园艺技能 He certainly has a green thumb All his plants flourish他真有园艺才能,种的。
10、常用的话还是gardening 比较通俗么麻烦采纳,谢谢。
11、Facilities horticultural crops cultivation, producer for and environmental management focus is based on crop characteristics and the crops on environmental requirements, making it possible to crop and environment between coordination and unity, balance, artificially created crop growth desired。
13、Gardening literally include the word quotparkquot and quotartquot, namely, and the garden, including tools, processes, technology, craft, etc Gardening is a word in Chinese is vague, can refers to the activities of amateurism, or strict horticultural industry Relatively, horticulture。
14、关于不喜欢园艺的原因的英语作文 I don’t like gardening I have to admit that when looking at others’ gardens with beautiful flowers and pretty plants, I feel jealous and wish I had one like theirs, but things are always “easier said than done”First of all, gardening is。
15、Peony 牡丹 牡丹被誉为“花中之王”,在中国和其他亚洲国家有着特殊的地位Cherry Blossom 樱花 樱花是春天的象征,尤其在日本文化中具有重要的审美价值Hyacinth 风信子 风信子的密集花朵和浓郁香气使其成为受欢迎的园艺植物Carnation 康乃馨 康乃馨常用于表达爱魅力和敬礼,是。